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Kindergartener Handmade Toy Gift Guide

Handmade toys best suited to nurture and develop a Kindergartener (age 4-6).

  • Counting - Count With Me

    Mama May i

    Count With Me



    Mama May i

    Count With Me


    Our World is filled with numbers. On signs, in magazines, books, money. You count with numbers. Pay with numbers. Discount with numbers. Paint by numbers. Help your little one better understand this crazy world of Numerals, Numbers, Counting, and Mathematics with this simple wooden Count With Me Play Set. Help deepen your little Mathematician's understanding of numbers 1-10 - both their numerals, written form, as well as what they represent. Stack up the circular coins to show the volume of what each numeral stands for...or lay the in a line - like a graph - to give a pictorial image of what all those numbers mean. Help build you little one's understanding of one-to-one ratios and number recognition while enhancing fine motor skills and playing with mathematics at play time. You can use the number cards as "money" or the coins as "change" while pretending to run a shop or restaurant. Our world is filled with numbers - let your little one explore it with these hands-on, open-ended play pieces.

    Each play set comes with:

    - 10 Number Boards - with both the numeral and number words written on them to support number recognition
    - 55 circular coins that can be stacked for better number comprehension - what does five look like stacked? What does 5 look like laid out flat? --- Enough coins to visualize all the Number Boards simultaneously
    - A wooden box for easy clean up and storage


    - Each Number Board measures approximately 3" square
    - Each circular coin measures approximately 1" in diameter

    *All the pieces are left in their natural wooden state. I suppose you could paint them if you wanted to, but I would suggest using all the same color so that when little ones are relating the numbers to one another they can more easily visual the difference between them.

    The pieces in the Count With Me Play Set are small and could pose a choking hazard. Children should always be supervised while at play.

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  • Art - Mamas & Babies

    Mama May i

    Mamas & Babies



    Mama May i

    Mamas & Babies


    This time of year my little ones are always on the look out for babies – not just human babies (infants), but any cute, little, sweet, adorable, natural animal baby they can spot. At the zoo, at the pond, at the park…wherever we adventure, they are smitten with interest over pint-sized furry (or feathery) friends. There is something whimsical about coming across these creatures…something magical. Recognizing what the animals are; knowing the sound they make; and learning what their baby is called is fun, interesting, and always leads to more conversation and discovery. Did you know a kit is just a young skunk? Did you know that both a cow and a giraffe baby are called “calf”? Monkeys have infants, just like we do! A fawn is a baby deer

    Inspire your little biologist’s natural curiosity with these adorable animal pairs while enhancing observation skills and building vocabulary. The “mamas” are on bigger disks so they look and feel different. When playing a matching game, even the littlest explorers can sense the size difference and make a pair – one big, one small. Emergent readers will begin to notice letter shapes and groupings; Older explorers will recognize animal names; while younger zoologists can chime in with an audible animal sounds.

    Each set comes with 18 animal pairs (36 disks in total). There are 18 coins that measure approximately 2” in diameter and 18 coins that measure 1.5” in diameter. Each image was originally hand-drawn and then hand stamped onto the wooden disks with archival black ink. The set comes in a muslin pouch for easy cleanup and tote-ability.

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